Fan Art Submissions!

Check out these awesome superhero drawings by David and Zoe

Artist: David
Age: N/A
Superpowers: super fist punch, laser eyes, x-ray eyes, speedy legs (1,083 mph), and telekinesis 

Artist: Zoe
Age: 10
Superhero Name: Octavia
Superpowers: gravity, strength, smarts, speed, flight, and six fingers


If you have an original superhero drawing you’d like to send me, you can reach me three ways. 
1.) You can mention me on Twitter.
2.) You can tag me on Instagram
3.) You can email me through my Contact Form.

Please make sure your child adds their first name, age, and superhero’s power.
BTW: If your child prefers super villains, I’ll happily welcome them as well. Your child can also draw a super pet!

Drawings will be shared on my website, on Twitter, and on Instagram. 

Thanks and have a SUPER day! 


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