Meet the Newest SUPER CHEF — > Rylee! :)

I love seeing children in the kitchen. They have such a joyous expression when they create and take the first bite of something delicious. Thank you Super Chef Rylee for sharing your joy with me/us. You made me smile! 

**Keep scrolling past the still shots to watch Super Chef Rylee in action.
Her cooking video is adorable!!**













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KA-POW! Party Punch: one or two SUPER servings!

The book states how to make a punch size bowl of this yummy beverage, but what if you only want to make a cup for yourself and a friend? Well, you can absolutely make ONE or TWO servings in a snap.

What you need is…

Scoop ONE single serve vanilla ice cream into each cup. 

1/2 bottle fruit punch into the cup and then pour the diet soda in next. 

KA-POW! Doesn’t it look yummy! 

As you can see, my Super Chef loves it. Try it out and see if you love it too! 

To purchase Be a Superhero in the Kitchen (signed or unsigned), please click on Buy Now!