
It’s been a while since I posted any updates or published a new book. I have two projects that are about 75% done: another cookbook and the third act in the reality show series. Those will remain on the back burner for now. Last year, my mother passed away from colon cancer. Since then, I’ve stepped away from the two WIPs. My heart hasn’t been into finishing them or all the promotional work that goes along with a new release.  I’m not saying that I’ll never publish another book. It just won’t be anytime soon.

Thank you for purchasing or reading my books through Kindle Unlimited.

I appreciate your support.



The greatest woman I will ever know.

New release: “My Life Should Be A Reality Show: Act Two”

I’ve been going rounds with Amazon over the text images. They swear they look great on their end when viewed on a computer. I’ve had to turn my reading pane horizontally when reaching the chapter text images on my kindle fire. Whichever reading device you use, I hope you give the NEW RELEASE a chance.  Reviews are always appreciated! 


Book Summary:

As you read My Life Should Be a Reality Show: Act Two, you might find yourself thinking or saying wtf or omg. You might even lol. Ultimately, I hope the nonfiction comedy book makes your day a little brighter/ So, get comfy and enjoy the antics of my humorous household with real-life short stories, tweets, texts, and photographs.


Kindle Link 



Cover Reveal – “My Life Should Be A Reality Show: Act Two”

My hubby did a remarkable job on the cover, don’t you think?!
I don’t have a firm date on its release but I am suspecting by spring 2023. 

Since the book is best viewed in color, the print cost will be around ten dollars. However, if you have kindle unlimited, you’ll be able to read it for free. That’s pretty nice, right?

Stay tuned for the official release date and buy links!



Happy Holidays!

Wow, I can’t believe Christmas is less than a month away. This year has sure flown by! 
I know I haven’t posted an update in a while, so I wanted to do that today. 

I’m not sure if and when I’ll publish a second illustrated children’s cookbook. Be a Superhero in the Kitchen was very popular, but the process (illustrations, editing, printing, and marketing) was stressful. I am contemplating creating another cookbook but making it without illustrations so it targets a wider audience. 

ACT  TWO in the reality series is almost complete. Unlike ACT ONE, this one will be for adults. (due to curse words)

For those who have read ONE or Both of my books, THANK YOU. 

For those unfamiliar with my works, I hope you check them out! 

Be a Superhero in the Kitchen (elementary age and older)
Kindle: https://amzn.to/3JWfsIM
Amazon Hardcover: https://amzn.to/38Py6zx

My Life Should Be a Reality Show: Act One (teen and adults) 
Kindle: https://amzn.to/3Nnsy32
Print: https://amzn.to/3tKc8Km

Check out the opening week’s reviews! (My Life Should Be A Reality Show: Act One)

I’m thrilled readers love “My Life Should Be A Reality Show: Act One.” Thank you so much for your kind words! (Keep scrolling for the first reviews posted to Amazon.com)

Kindle: https://amzn.to/3Nnsy32
Print: https://amzn.to/3tKc8Km

Great News: “My Life Should Be A Reality Show” released today! (print)

Book Summary:

Have you ever thought your family would make an excellent reality show? I sure have! 

In My Life Should be a Reality Show: Act One, I’ve shared some of my favorite tweets, texts, snippets of conversations, short tales, and photographs surrounding the comical happenings of my lovely family.  


Print link – LIVE TODAY
Kindle purchase link- releasing June 18th