With the threat of Corvid-19, food, especially fresh, is becoming hard to come by. I’ve heard many people wonder what to fix for dinner. Over the next few weeks. I’ll be posting sample budget-friendly menus with Super Tips!!
Enjoy and Stay Safe!

Chili with hot dogs

No ground beef? See if your local grocery store has ground chicken or turkey.
No buns? Slice the hotdogs and mix it right into the chili.


Last week, we made tacos using ground turkey because there wasn’t any beef in the store. It was a hit! No lettuce, no problem, used canned corn as a topping. It tasted great!

Italian beef (slow cooker meal)

If your store doesn’t have a roast, check if they have boneless/skinless chicken breast.
Kroger had a lot of kielbasa in their coolers, so check if your store has it in stock as well. If you are lucky to find baby potatoes then make Incredible Italian Sausage and Potatoes. The recipe can be found in Be a Superhero in the Kitchen.

Ham and scalloped potatoes

Don’t forget to treat your family to dessert. Make Amazing Pudding Parfaits. The recipe is also found in Be a Superhero in the Kitchen.

Bacon, egg, and cheese sandwiches

On a biscuit, on bread, in between two waffles or pancakes, your family is going to love dinner tonight! Since it’s breakfast for supper, make some Magical Cereal Bars! Yup, the recipe is also found in Be a Superhero in the Kitchen.

Make pizza at home.

This can be done with raw dough, on a bagel, on a biscuit, on a pre-made crust. All you need is cheese, sauce, and toppings. Our store had all of it, but supplies were limited. Use what you can find. This is the time to be creative!

If you are able, support your local restaurants. They are hurting as well and would appreciate your visit.
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